Born a Crime Written by: Trevor Noah “We tell people to follow their dreams, but you can only dream of what you can imagine, and, depending on where you come from, your imagination can be quite limited.” ― Trevor Noah, Born a Crime More like: Born a
Curbside Pick-Up The library offers curbside pick-up to GMILCS cardholders during the library's operating hours. Contact-free curbside pick-up is easy! Here's how it works: Place a hold on any Merrimack item using the library catalog or by calling th
Commonly required tax forms include, but are not limited to: Form 1040 and Form 1040-SR Instructions for Form 1040 Instructions for Form 1040 Schedules for Form 1040 Schedules for Form 1040 and Form 1040-SR About Schedule A (Form 1040), Itemized Dedu
Ask Us A Question! Your Full Name:Required Your Email:Required Your Phone: Preferred Form of Contact:Required Please Select Email Phone How can we help you?Required How can we direct your message?Required Please Select Adult/Reference Services Admini
Latest Library News: The elevator project is complete! Thank you all for your patience and understanding while we finished our elevator refurbishment. Looking to get weekly updates on what's going on in the Library? Click here to subscribe to our Lib
Experience thousands of ebooks, eaudiobooks, movies, and comics all for free with your Merrimack library card! cloudLibrary Digital audiobooks and ebooks. cloudLibrary holdings are managed be the GMILCS consortium and made available to all residents
Remember to subscribe to our email newsletter or the Merrimack Library Twitter to receive Summer Reading updates in your inbox or Twitter feeds. Please feel free to reach out to the library with questions about our Summer Reading Program. Phone: 603-
Registration for the Library's 2024 Summer Reading Program has begun! This year's program will run from June 26th until August 16th. If we reach our community goal of 600 badges, the Friends of the Merrimack Public Library will make a donation! Regis
For questions about our GMILCS LiDA App, please contact our Patron Services Team. Phone: 603-424-5021 Email: Your browser does not support the display of PDFs or the file is too large to display.
Friends of the Merrimack Public Library The Friends of the Merrimack Public Library (FMPL) is a group of volunteers interested in supporting, promoting, and enhancing the services provided by our town library. We are a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit
MPL Cultural Exploration For questions please contact our Patron Services Department. Phone: 603-424-5021 Email: The Merrimack Public Library invites all visitors to engage in a Cultural Exploration by using any of th
For questions about any of our technology services, please reach out to our Patron Services team. Phone: 603-424-5021 Email: Computers, Copy & Print The Merrimack Public Library is home to several desktop computers av